
225 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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That was awesome! Your bringing back alot of pure, Grade-A nostalgia! Its nice to see you bring about and stir up the past alive again. Your style was simple and might I add quite detailed as well! Audio was perfect and captured the essence and soul of the 8-bit gaming past. You brought about a great animated series in my book! Hopefully what you have planned you might introduce many games of an era long gone (but not forgotten). I'm going to bestow you a 3 in a half out of 5. And a solid 4/5 in voting power. You've done very well friend! Keep up the good work and bring forth more memories my friend! I hope you've enjoyed this review. Good day.

BlackFang001 responds:

Thanks alot! I do plan to cover alot of retro video games, but mostly starting with the ones I've already played. In the future, I will extend my animations to more than video game nostalgia lol.

That was both random and silly! I loved the goofy humor you put out here. Your animation is bland and simple yet it was your comedic subject that I observed more than anything else honestly! Audio was a bit soft, I had to literally put my ear to the computer just to listen to it. But again I payed attention more towards your comedy than anything else. You've done a good job here friend. I'm going to bestow you a 2 in a half out of 5. And a 3/5 in voting power. Keep practicing, creating and contributing on here. I hope you've enjoyed this review. Good day.

MadSockPuppet responds:

UGHHH I know about the audio i'm soweeeeee >.< But the video was made in about a week so yea I understand! haha thanks

This was pretty good friend! Not bad for a first animation. For some weird reason this brings me back on the style and situational humor of [Adult Swim]'s "Home Movies". Your art style was very rough and relatively bland. Audio was a bit hard to listen without watching this again various amounts a time to understand most of the dialogue. It has very pivotal and very witty written dialogue. As previously mentioned you've done a good job here. I'm going to bestow you a 1 in a half out of 5. And a 2/5 in voting power. Keep practicing, creating and contributing here. I hope you've enjoyed this review. Good day.

CriticalCrown responds:

Thank you for the responce, it is cool that you bring up "Home Movies", because it is a big inspiration in my animation, and my sense of humor in this animation revolves around the same humor as "Home Movies".

That was pretty good friend! This was used in your digital animation class, eh? This to me was a nice decent experimental short to branch off of. Concept was very cute about a fierce little robotic/snow creature named "FR-05T or simply put "Frost" who has a snippy attitude with his observers! Your method was simple since the beginning and ending segments were recycled. Audio was fair, especially minor effects to give "Frost" his minor demeanor or his mannerism (Simple growls to know that he's not kidding with the curious onlooking audience!). You've done well in my in your presentation. I'm going to bestow you a 2/5 and a 2/5 in voting power. Keep practicing, creating and contributing on here. I hope you've enjoyed this review friend. Good day.

serge1290 responds:

Thanks for the constructive criticism! Like I said, this is my first Flash animation but I'm glad you liked it for what it is. I DID have a different ending where I didn't recycle the end but found out AFTER I turned it in that it had to be a continuous loop, IE go back to where he eventually started hahaa. I made te revision what it currently is and hopefully get a better grade for that. Thanks again!

This was pretty good! Most of the things down feel bit cliche yet it was surprisingly fun as well. Your style was simple and such but very neat as well. It felt like watching old anime with so many unique expressions. Audio is bit mixed once in awhile but does add those dynamic moments for this short. Again as I reiterate, this was actually pretty good. Now you got me curious on your ending! I'm going to bestow you a 2 in a half out of 5. And a 3/5 in voting power. You've done well my friend. Keep practicing, creating and contributing on here. I hope you've enjoyed this review. Good day.

DiamondPearlBrothers responds:

Thank you very much for your detailed review. Well this is our very first flash movie, so we are
glad when you tell us how to improve things.

This is very well done! Your a great animator you know that? You've done well with your use of style. I especially admired your use of the background in its lighting and shading techniques. Most animations concentrate way too much on the forefronts or the center stage of their topics (Such as characters). Audio was exceptionally good. The melody that accompanied your short add more of a visceral and deeper impact of your story. The real winner of this subject is your tale. The dreadful powers and fears of depression and its destructive effects. I learned sometimes strength and will alone may not fully vanquish such malevolent forces. Sometime as you've mentioned and said one needs a helping hand from someone in one's family or friends or even loved ones to help heal and aid you and give you comfort from the dark thresholds of an unforgiving world. you've shown great expressionism here, and it makes me wonder (forgive me if I pry) what you've gone through if possible to craft something that is expressed and given a manifestation on your part? To me this is very deep to be crafted by anyone who has not went in this path before, To me something speaks to me that you have suffered some scars before too. I love and admire art since not only is something presented by the great keen mind, heart and soul of the artisan but their very essence of pure emotion and what they deem and see the world as. Picasso taught me such and insight and then Van Gogh. These men have shown the world and to this very day the power of emotions through their art forms. They have shown how happy they become and the depressing side they can fall to (its known as the "Blue" period in an artisan's life). I humbly apologize as mentioned previously. You appear to be a very intriguing artisan. I've reviewed and seen many works here and rarely feel so much pure emotions but only from a few. You are a unique soul friend. I'm gong to bestow you a 3 in a half out of 5. And a 4/5 in voting power. You've done well to express your tale. I am here for you and if anybody has any heart or understanding, then they will know too. I hope you've enjoyed this review. I hope you contribute more woks in the future here. And to quickly note you are on my list of favored artisans here. I wish you a good day friend.

Cr1sisEntertainment responds:

Holy crap, this is a detailed review. Thanks! I plan on doing something like a pokemon, Smash Bros. or Zelda cartoon next or something with games and comedy, so I won't be doing all serious stuff. I'm really glad you like this.

To answer your question and not really get too much into my personal life, I have a lot of experience with battling depression and I felt that this would be a great way to express myself before I try out some comedy.

Well done! I'm quite surprised on your animated piece here. For someone that hasn't loaded on here for three years you surprisingly retained most of your artistic flow here. I honesty was expecting to see something that might be a bit edgy or too rounded (since you can't blame one animating skills for diminishing in due time from lack of activity) but you've proven my expectations wrong and I applaud for that surprise twist! You managed to capture pretty good synching in your short here. And the overall comedy of it all was something that left me chuckling for a bit. Other than your impressive style and fluid animation I don't see too many flaws other than what I previously pointed out which was synching. I reiterate you've done a fantastic job!!! I'm going to bestow you a 3/5. And a 3/5 in voting power. Keep practicing, creating and contributing on here. I hope you've enjoyed this review friend. Good day.

Himiska responds:

I really appreciate this really long review of my work and I can tell you and read this 3 times over. As you maybe have pointed out, the synching of the whole video may be a tad off including the lip animation but that's only because I did this on 3 different layers which I realized I should've been more organized when doing something like this.
However, I will assure you that I will try to improve my art here through experimentation and better organization of the animation to give out the best work that I can give.


That was cute and hilarious! Your stye was simple, bland yet very cutesy. Audio was fair. Voice acting was done exceptionally well. However, it was the story and the subject that I honestly enjoyed the most. I can't blame that polar bear for doing what had to be done. If I too was spouted off by a pun slinging penguin I would of mauled him to death as well! I'm going to bestow you a 2 in a half out of 5. And a 2/5 in voting power. Keep practicing, creating and contributing on here. I hope you've enjoyed this review. Good day.

Galtoons responds:

Thank man. So you would say just work on getting a higher quantity and quality of the actual animation?

Well done! I loved you art style, it was simplistic yet it has some comic book like feel to it (Basically the background are bland and plain while the forefront takes center stage for observers). Audio was very good, I especially admired Time8th's voice acting, he sounds like our classic, traditional scientist. The duration was a bit on the short side but it manages to get its punchline across for a hilarious and goofy effect! I really did love this. I'm going to bestow you a 3/5. And a 3/5 in voting power. I hope you've enjoyed this review. Good day.

nayupenda responds:

Hey, thanks for the votes and kind words. Be sure to keep your eyes open for more stuff from us. ;)

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