This is very well done! Your a great animator you know that? You've done well with your use of style. I especially admired your use of the background in its lighting and shading techniques. Most animations concentrate way too much on the forefronts or the center stage of their topics (Such as characters). Audio was exceptionally good. The melody that accompanied your short add more of a visceral and deeper impact of your story. The real winner of this subject is your tale. The dreadful powers and fears of depression and its destructive effects. I learned sometimes strength and will alone may not fully vanquish such malevolent forces. Sometime as you've mentioned and said one needs a helping hand from someone in one's family or friends or even loved ones to help heal and aid you and give you comfort from the dark thresholds of an unforgiving world. you've shown great expressionism here, and it makes me wonder (forgive me if I pry) what you've gone through if possible to craft something that is expressed and given a manifestation on your part? To me this is very deep to be crafted by anyone who has not went in this path before, To me something speaks to me that you have suffered some scars before too. I love and admire art since not only is something presented by the great keen mind, heart and soul of the artisan but their very essence of pure emotion and what they deem and see the world as. Picasso taught me such and insight and then Van Gogh. These men have shown the world and to this very day the power of emotions through their art forms. They have shown how happy they become and the depressing side they can fall to (its known as the "Blue" period in an artisan's life). I humbly apologize as mentioned previously. You appear to be a very intriguing artisan. I've reviewed and seen many works here and rarely feel so much pure emotions but only from a few. You are a unique soul friend. I'm gong to bestow you a 3 in a half out of 5. And a 4/5 in voting power. You've done well to express your tale. I am here for you and if anybody has any heart or understanding, then they will know too. I hope you've enjoyed this review. I hope you contribute more woks in the future here. And to quickly note you are on my list of favored artisans here. I wish you a good day friend.