I'm a loyal observing individual who's been sitting behind the computer screen watching all of the great rise of Newgrounds legendary history unfold before my very eyes now I want to be heard outloud.

Age 36, Male



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NewgroundSage's News

Posted by NewgroundSage - January 1st, 2011

Hello fellow Newgrounders! Nothing out of the ordinary here (for the moment) just wishing everybody a Happy New Year. I'll be posting more intiguing topics pretty soon, But for the moment lets take in the are old memories and charish a new day that has come forth. I hope you've enjoyed the past and embrace the future as much as I have, For now I must depart. Until we speak again my beloved comrades. Good Day!

Posted by NewgroundSage - December 27th, 2010

Its never new in society to belittle, Mock, or Ostrisize any game in any place at any given time. There are many games discovered and marked in many scrutinous ways. Yet it is understandable why such games are actually placed on various lists for various reasons. Here are some of the names of these supposed games: GTA series, Manhunt, Cannon Fodder, Left for Dead series, GUN, SAW (The Games), Fallout 3, Custer's Revenge, Night Trap, Primal Rage, Mortal Kombat, Doom, Postal and 2. Those were just a few games in some of societies little "Black List". Again it is understandable why such games are listed for many of the games contents. Sex, Drugs, Violence, ect. And nothing brings me more bad memories than remembering one man that use to have a say so in various forms of video games. Jack Thompson! (Argh!!!) To wrap things up for this month I'm going to ask you my faithful fellow Newgrounders on this one very intriguing question. What are your faivorite games that happened to be listed with hysterical responses? Feel free to respond and don't be shy thats why I'm here. Till my next subject arises, I'll see all of you again soon. Good day!

Posted by NewgroundSage - November 4th, 2010

I can't help but laugh at the truth when I watch "Prostitute Mickey". Why you ask? Well there various reasons to actually poke fun of one of my faivorite animated characters from their hey day. To begin with the short shows Mickey in a street corner giving people for $15 a "Fantasia" and $25 for a "Steam Boat Willie". Now to remark from the fellow that calls himself Appsro that did this short was in my opinion a great observer. I mean Mickey mouse is presented as a shell of his former self which in reality kind of reflects his treatment in society, If you watch this legendary anthropromorphic mouse in action in his old famous shorts he was mischievious, funny, adventurous character that was filled with vivid life. Now if you look into his later incarnations he slowly becomes something that to me just dosen't suit him. And another tragic thing for him is how the Disney company uses him as an item: Lunch boxes, Toys, Shoes, Coffee mugs, ect. Which in terms there using him to cash in the loot. And its just ashame to admit that Disney today don't use or even show most of the original animations that I grew up with. There is one thing I'm looking up in this month, In a matter of weeks of November there is a new game coming out for the Wii titled "Epic Mickey". By the way it sounds and the way its constructed it is much of an ode to the original characteristics of Mickey in his golden days of animation. So if you ever watch Appsro's "Prostitute Mickey" don't get too offended. In terms he speaks the truth, I hope you've enjoyed my post for the moment and remember to check out all of the best things you can find on this glorious site. I hope everyone has a spectacular day here on Newgrounds!!!

Posted by NewgroundSage - November 4th, 2010

Fable 3 has had many grand moments and adventures a game worth playing through again along with the other previous entries. Fighting various beast, beating up random thugs, befriending towns people, and the most epic moment came when I took the crown from king Logan and took his place as a new monarch yet there is still more things to accomplish in the game itself, Will I succeed in the next upcoming threat in Albion? Who knows until a later date.

Posted by NewgroundSage - September 28th, 2010

Todays subject stems off from yesterday, Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. Yet I have yet to explain myself, I was bored yesterday and was finished watching various Newgrounds animation and games when I decided to look on Youtube. I've read up on the called Oh No You Didn't a song that was performed by a group called Wojahn Brothers, a marketing ploy for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames. For some reason it is a pretty neat revenge song in my opinion. Some of the lyrics were pretty well written from "First you tried to trap me, Then you bust a cap in my ass" to "Fool tried to diss me, Now you're gonna wish you were dead!". And to accompany the whole song was a serious piano theme to it. (in a way!) Now that I got that out of my system I will proceed to tomorrows continuation of "The Joker part 2". So until then, enjoy the rest of your days fellow Newgrounders!

Posted by NewgroundSage - September 28th, 2010

I've been having great thoughts and memories of the game for the old PS2 console. Mercenaries was under the production of LucasArts and under (now dicontiued due to bankruptcy) Pandemic Studios which in my opinion was a great team up of the two game companies. Its franchise was later given to EA studio and was assisted by Pandemic. Unfortunately for Pandemic, the company had two titles in the works and one of them was a new Mercenarie titled called "Mercs Inc". Its details at this time are unknown. (for the moment) The voice cast was just one of the reasons that I loved Mercenaries, It featured one of my personal faivorite actors Phil LaMarr. And of coarse for the other obvious reason why I admired the series, Was to blow crap up! Now that I got some of my senimental memories laid down for the moment I now ask you my fellow constituions, my comrades, my fellow Newgrounders what are your faivorite moments in this game? (or to make things more interresting other games that fall in this category via: Army of Two, Crackdown, Max Payne, ect). I hope all of you have some intriguing responses to shre with me. I wish ya'll a great splendid day.

Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction

Posted by NewgroundSage - September 15th, 2010

My love for the iconic DC villain of Batman's rogue gallery is unrivaled from within myself. Joker has been seen, metinoned, and even guested on various forms of media. For the live action roles there great actors that protrayed the psychopathic fiend: in the 1960's he was portrayed by Cesar Romero in a campy rendition, his crimes are more set in pranks and gags if you will, 1989 Joker was portrayed in that time by famous movie actor Jack Nicholson, in this form his personality was a mix between his previous incarnation and what whould later inspire the zany form in the animated series in a few years later, and finally everyone is realated to the final portrayal by late actor Heath Leadger in 2008's The Dark Knight. this version of the Joker was well known as being called psychopath, remorseless, mass murderer, schizophrenic. (just to "compliment" him) He would probably resemble more in either Bob Kane's orginal first apperance (by action I mean) or his various graphic noveled versions. In animation he was done various amounts of times as well: in Batman and the Boy Wonder he was portrayed by Larry Storch in the years 1968-1969, and also did guest starred in two episodes of The New Scooby-Doo Movies. And the moment we've all waited for... 1992's Batman: The Animated Series portrayed by the infamous Mark Hamill, Hamill was successful enough to star as "The Clown Prince of Crime" at a total of 27 times, (excluding the game appearences) these appearences are part of the DC animated universe respectively. Well I'll spare you more of the lecture of the Joker for tomorrow titled simply as "The Joker part 2". I thank you for reading my post and will discuss the better parts of him via in "video game form". And in of coarse his many comic book, novel, ect; appearances. Please feel free to comment in this subject, In fact heres a few good questions to begin with: What was your favorite portrayle of the Joker? If you were the Joker how would you humiliate, dumbfound, or even enrage the Batman? In what faivorite comic book, graphic novel, novel did you like his grand apperance in? Give your comments today my fellow Newgrounders. And will resume tomorrow, have a great day!!!

The Joker

Posted by NewgroundSage - September 12th, 2010

Fable 3 is coming out a week after my birthday and I'm full of anticipation. It will arrive on Oct. 26 of 2010, All I can say about this upcoming game is that it's about time that your ingame heros can become a king or queen. And for the first time in Peter Molyneux's Fable sagas the main protagonist speaks for the first time. (Ironic in certain video game series huh!). By the way it sounds, It will be a bit more epic than its predecessors since your character faces his or her older brother in the early portion of the story. The game mechanics are said to have replace some of the functions of its previous entries such as: Your expressions, searching for particular "Legendary Weopons", replacing the RPG system from the first and second games. All n' all it will be coming this year for Xbox 360 users everywhere, Unfortunately for the casual PC users are going to have to wait at a later date. And this concludes my personal comment, Till I type again, Later.

Posted by NewgroundSage - May 17th, 2010

I'm full of anticipation to receive one of the most prominent, Controversial, Classic graphic novel to ever grace the hands of a Batman fanatic such as myself. Written by Grant Morrison (who has also created Zenith, All Star Superman, Adventures of Hitler, ect.) who published it in 1989 created a DC classic that shows that even the dark knight can question his own sanity. The video game Batman: Arkham Asylum was loosley based off this book. This is just the beginning of my own personal Batman collection, my next book to collect is called "Batman: The Killing Joke."

Posted by NewgroundSage - May 16th, 2010

It's been a while since I posted anything on this great site so to make things interesting I wanted to have a good subject on a new up coming game from my faivorite company "Rockstar Games." Red Dead Redemption looks quite astonishing since its a spiritual sequel to Red Dead Revolver from the PS2 and the X-Box systems. By the way it came along and how Gameinformer already gave it its review with positive results, I can only imagine how grand it is to travel and do imaginable things in the old wild west.