I've been having great thoughts and memories of the game for the old PS2 console. Mercenaries was under the production of LucasArts and under (now dicontiued due to bankruptcy) Pandemic Studios which in my opinion was a great team up of the two game companies. Its franchise was later given to EA studio and was assisted by Pandemic. Unfortunately for Pandemic, the company had two titles in the works and one of them was a new Mercenarie titled called "Mercs Inc". Its details at this time are unknown. (for the moment) The voice cast was just one of the reasons that I loved Mercenaries, It featured one of my personal faivorite actors Phil LaMarr. And of coarse for the other obvious reason why I admired the series, Was to blow crap up! Now that I got some of my senimental memories laid down for the moment I now ask you my fellow constituions, my comrades, my fellow Newgrounders what are your faivorite moments in this game? (or to make things more interresting other games that fall in this category via: Army of Two, Crackdown, Max Payne, ect). I hope all of you have some intriguing responses to shre with me. I wish ya'll a great splendid day.
I still haven't gotten to play that game.