Very nice promo friend. However there is more than one way to support Newgrounds besides financially. Newgrounds is about freedom of expressionism not profit or gaining. Tom Fulp is a great man and believe me he and this site is financially backed and well watched I can assure you. However as you've mentioned for those that want to show some support and such can do quite a few things on here to get the momentums rolling. Buying items such as shirts and such is one way, donating directly is another nd from there they're are many more possibilities. Word of mouth, being spokesman and respective representatives to guide and introduce newcomers into joining the fray and future of an artistic tomorrow. Being here and contributing via judging and crafting is the basis and lifeblood of this site that Tom crafted with his own bare hands along with his other loyal staff and workers. Thank you for watching out and caring for this site such as I. I was going to give you a 2/5 but I've decided you deserve a bit more for your enthusiasm and devoted care. I'm going to bestow upon you a 2 in a half out of 5. And a 2/5 in voting power. You've done good, keep representing and share this site with others and help bring about a promising future. There is never nothing necessarily wrong of enduring the past. However in order to bring things anew a future and path must be gained in order to cement a firm foundation. But I reiterate, well done my friend. Keep up the good work and keep contributing on here! I hope you've enjoyed this review and words of encouragement for a better tomorrow. Good day.