I've been playing Borderlands lately and its a very fun entertaining game. Since it released the same following year after the release of Fallout 3 there almost identical to a certain extent. I've made a few observational point of views in the following: 1. Both games stories take place in a post apocalyptic setting. 2. These were both action RPG games. 3. You meet various survivors and hostile lifeforms, Likewise in Fallout 3. 4. Both games have various missions, Mainly side quests and the main storyline. And finally 5. Both games have the main characters scavenge for items and Weapons and earn certain currency in there different worlds. So I've basically shown you a small list of the games similarities. Now we have a small list of the things that set them apart from eachother respectfully: 1. In Fallout 3 you were able to customize your character while in Borderland you were only able to customize the color of your characters clothing. (For mutiplayer individuality) 2. In both games you are able to choose abilities that were suitable to your needs, However the difference is very noticeable. In Fallout 3 you can become whoever you desire to be while in Borderlands you are limited to your abilities by the characters presented in the game. (Bruiser, Sniper, Soldier, and a Siren) 3. Both stories a fairly similiar but are all around different, Fallout 3 you save or destroy mankind. In Borderlands your on a quest to finding a vault with supposed secresy that the lands inhabitants are dying to discovering for themselves. 4. Items and weapons are very different in gameplay wise, In Fallout 3 you scanvenged, made and welded existing weapons together while in Borderlands the game randomly generated particular guns together for a certain character. And finally 5. The games styles are very different from eachother, Fallout 3 aims at being more realistic while Borderands has that distinct comic/manga feel to it. In conclusion both games are very good but the prblem is to me is there almost the same just slightly different. For those that want experience them individually or (in a funner twist) together should go and check'em out. I hope you've enjoyed this post and have a great day for me!
hey, borderlands sounds like a fun game!